December: doing what neighbours do best

The December Clapton Pot was kept in the family – so to speak, as I like to call my neighbours my London family. Over the years we’ve had numerous dinners together, inside and outside regardless of temperatures, drank far too much wine, laughed and cried, gone on day trips and seen the little ones grow up. My street is just the best.

In the gang that night were Sarah & James with Daniel, queen of the garden party Suzi with daughter Cerys, Carolina & Teitur, Rachel accompanied by Lucia and Miller, and my flatmate Simon. The familiarity of our get-together was a bit different from a normal Clapton Pot night, and it was great to catch up with everyone just before Christmas.


I invited everyone to bring a dish, so as a matter of fact this became a Clapton Pot Luck. This turned out to be an excellent decision, as dinner was an absolute feast! Getting people to bring a dish made me think perhaps sometimes we could let guests treat us for a change?

On the menu:

– appetizers by Suzi, a colourful and tasty plate of mozzarella, tomato and basil slices

– Carolina and Teitur’s fabulous Senapssill Smörgås, a Scandi delicacy of smoked herring and boiled egg on rye bread, accompanied by a plate of salmon and cream cheese rolls. A real feast for the eyes and the taste buds! They also very generously brought a bag of hand-made Christmas cookies, which I’m afraid weren’t shared on the night…

– I made a broccoli and blue cheese quiche, simple and tasty

– Simon’s spinach and ricotta cannelloni were absolutely delicious, it’s just too bad that after a couple of glasses of wine I forgot to take a picture of the finished dish

– Sarah made a very naughty and moreish chocolate biscuit cake


All the children in attendance were very well behaved indeed, and I was glad they could join us. It was an absolutely glorious reunion, thank you all for joining me on the night, and thank you to my very accommodating flatmate Simon, who very generously allows me to invade our home on a regular basis to cook for, and host, the Clapton Pot. So it’s fitting that I should leave you with a cheerful Simon modeling his Greek slippers and Lucia’s very pink suitcase. Happy days!


Merry Christmas from Violaine

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